Any Purpose Loan for pubs, restaurants and hotels
An Any Purpose Loan or Business Cash Advance is a cash injection of between £2,500 and £300,000.
What is a Merchant Cash Advance?
Simply put, it’s a friendly cash injection for your business, which you pay back only as you earn, through an agreed amount of your credit & debit card sales. It’s up to you what you spend it on, and unlike a loan, there’s no APR or fixed payments, just one simple cost which is agreed with you at the start. Better still, your home & assets are safe. The loan is not secured against the things which matter the most. (Sigh of relief)
Pay back through your card transactions
Business Cash Advance of £2,500 – £300,000
No fixed monthly payments to worry about
One Simple Cost
We will agree with you upfront a cost for taking the business cash advance. We will then agree a percentage of your daily card takings which will be used to pay it back.
No fees, penalties or hidden charges. Ever.
You keep 100% of your cash income
In slow times, you pay back less and in good times you pay back more.
No other expenses (like legal or accounting set up fees)
How much can I borrow?
We typically advance up to one month’s card sales (so if you take £10k in card transactions, your maximum would be £10k)
To find out more please get in touch