Mortgages for pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels
Pub Marketing Promotions work with leading Pub Mortgage Brokers. We can look at different options for your pub mortgage.
Freehold mortgages for trading pubs, bars and inns
From a small village inn, a gastropub or busy town bar we have the expertise to assist with a purchase or refinance. As more funding sources have entered the market in recent years clients have more flexibility to borrow based on the needs of their business. For more information click here
Sitting tenant purchase of freehold pub interest
The ongoing restructuring within pub companies and brewers continues giving tenants ideal opportunity to purchase the freeholds of their units. Our brokers have been funding sitting tenants for many years and were the first to arrange 100% funding by using Market Value as a starting point rather than purchase price. In fact, in the last 4 years almost 75% of our sitting tenant buyers have been funded at 100% of purchase price or more. We work with the only broker able to fund 100% of the VAT payable on the purchase price. Contact us for a free and confidential appraisal of your situation.
Freehold Units – Closed units / disposals / no accounts
With banks becoming tougher on missed payments and the pub companies needing to dispose of more units there are many opportunities to buy cheap pubs with no trading history. The problem has been until now that banks would not lend without the trading history. By teaming up with a specialist short term financier and a long term mortgage lender there is a facility which bridges the gap between the needs of the buyer and the expectations of the bankers. For full information on the PRF (Pub Reopening Facility) click here.
Pubs as Social Enterprises
With rural and community local pubs under threat from cheap supermarket alcohol and increasing red tape in recent years there has been an increase in the numbers of community groups getting together to purchase their local pubs. We have teamed up with one of the leading finance sources to assist not for profit organisations to purchase and successfully operate their pub.
Leased Units & Tenancies
As well as the housing market and the freehold pub market improving in 2013 we’ve seen an increase in the number of good quality leases coming to market and with this an increase in the number of finance options available. Contact us now for full details and to explore your options.